Glen Massey School

Glen Massey School
This is what our school looks like!

Monday, 19 March 2012

That was Summer By L.B.

The was Summer - Inspired by Marci Ridlon

Have you every heard summer?
Sure your have.
Remember that time when you were fighting through the weeds, a mass of creepers.
And you just gave up?

Remember how the cicadas sounded and the bees?
That was summer.

Remember that time, when you attempted to build a fort?
If only it hadn't crumbled away...
And you neck was blistering
But you persevered.
Remember how the Tui sounded,
All chirpy and lively?
That was summer.

If you try very hard,
Can you remember the time when you were covered in clay,
And the sun was setting,
And you had to scrub your feet
You had to!
It took a long time to take your shoes off.
Do you remember the sound of sunshine?
That was summer.

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