Glen Massey School

Glen Massey School
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Wednesday 7 March 2012

'To Bee or Not to Bee' - Inquiry Unit

This term we have been learning all about pollination. Reading about it, talking about it, writing about it and even viewing it. Through our inquiry unit:

We are learning to:
  • Name the parts of a flower accurately.
  • Make an accurate and detailed model of a flower.
  • Identify the different ways that pollination occurs, and how they differ.
  • Self motivate and regulate to achieve the task at hand.
  • Show self control when working within independent and group situations.
  • Formulate effective open ended questions, relating to the topic.
  • Select resources independently and effectively.
  • Organise notes and record information clearly.
  • Create and present an original and informative project.
We are busy creating project which answer 5 questions surrounding 1 type of pollination.

We are presenting our projects in week 9. Look out for pictures and powerpoints!!

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