Glen Massey School

Glen Massey School
This is what our school looks like!

Monday 19 March 2012

Ceramic Tile Design - Symmetry Art

Look at our fantastic symmetrical tile designs.

We used mixed mediums to create these ones; paint, crayon, colouring in pencil and felt.

What have we been learning?

Achievement Objective (Level 4):

Developing Practical Knowledge: Explore and use art-making conventions, applying knowledge of elements and selected principles through the use of materials and processes.

Specfic Learning Outcomes:
  • Make good use of allocated times, ensuring that work is to a high standard.
  • Work cooperatively in an informal activity based work environment.
  • Listen to and follow instructions.
  • Add colour to design in a manner that maintains it's symmetrical appearance.
  • Add colour to design using paint and a fine brush.
  • Trace symmetrical design 3 times to make a square design.
  • Participate in discussions about symmetry, symmetrical designs and ceramic tiles.

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